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Q&D Circuit CO.LTD was rated as a good environmentally friendly PCB company (Blue Card)

      On June 5, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment issued the "Notice of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment on Announcement of the Results of Shenzhen Municipal Enterprise Environmental Credit Evaluation in 2019".
      The notice shows that the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment organized the city-level enterprise environmental credit uation work in Shenzhen for 917 municipal-level participating companies, and formed the environmental credit uation results: 11 participating companies were rated as environmentally friendly enterprises (green card) ), 804 participating companies were rated as environmentally sound companies (blue cards), 71 participating companies were rated as environmental protection warning companies (yellow cards), 15 participating companies were rated as environmentally poor companies (red cards), and non-participating companies (including Relocation, closure) 16.

        Among them, according to statistics:

        0 PCB companies rated as environmental protection integrity companies (green cards);

        99 PCB companies rated as environmentally-friendly companies (blue cards);

        10 PCB companies that have been rated as environmental protection warning companies (yellow cards);

        4 PCB companies rated as environmentally bad companies (red card);

        3 PCB companies not participating in the uation.

     Q&D Circuits Co.LTD was rated as a blue card (good environmental protection) enterprise

       Dear customers, please rest assured to place an order! ! !

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