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Q&D CIRCUITS 77GHz mm-wave radar PCB pass scientific and technological achievements appraisal


On April 7 afternoon, "77GHz mm-wave radar PCB key technology and industrialization" scientific and technological achievement appraisal was carried out in Q&D CIRCUITS Shenzhen factory.

The conference was organized by Guangdong Keyuan Scientific and Technological Achievements Evaluation Co., LTD. The uation committee was composed of seven experts led by Professor Jiang Yong of Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School.

△ Meeting scene

Before the appraisal begins, Song Zhenwu of Q&D CIRCUITS general manager said in his speech, research and technological innovation is the motive force of enterprise development, the long-term development of enterprises depends on the constant technical innovation and product innovation, Q&D CIRCUITS always adhere to independent research and development, is the industry leader in a number of technologies and products, the company will continue to increase investment in research and development, keep the technical lead.

General Manager's Speech

The uation Committee listened to the report of the project carefully, inspected the PCB samples of various types of mm-wave radar on site, inquired about related issues, understood the industrialization situation of the project, and put forward many good suggestions for the project. Finally, after deliberation, the committee agreed that: Q&D CIRCUITS "77GHz millimeter wave radar PCB key Technology and industrialization" project reached the domestic leading level, successfully passed the scientific and technological achievements appraisal.

△ Appraisal process

Professor Jiang Yong of Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School, Deputy director Zhao Yang of Harbin Institute of Technology Aerospace Engineering department, Professor Zhang Yong of Shenzhen University Electronic and Information Engineering School, Professor Chen Shirong of Guangdong University of Technology & Executive Deputy Secretary General of Guangdong Printed Circuit Association, Senior engineer Liu Xiaojun of Shenzhen Printed Circuit Association, Deputy General Manager Guan Yan 'en of Shenzhen Microwave Communication Co., LTD, Senior engineer He Liang of Shenzhen Smart Port Technology Co., Ltd and other experts participated in this appraisal meeting.

Group photo of participants

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